The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri – book review

Posted in: Novels
The Namesake review Jhumpa Lahiri book novel

Book: The Namesake
Author: Jhumpa Lahiri (click the link to read the biography, with analysis of the style of writing and an overall assessment of Lahiri as a writer)
Publication Year: 2003
First Published by: Houghton Mifflin, USA
Page: 291


Though the novel has fetched fame and accolades for Jhumpa Lahiri, the now-famous author of novels and short story collections, The Namesake could not impress me despite multiple attempts. I will announce my experience with this book in this review, and the highlight may be termed in these words – a superficial exploration of rootlessness and diaspora. Do you agree? Let me present my case in this book review article. Then, you are free to make your decision about The Namesake by Lahiri.

Note that I have been through many novels bringing such experiences, of migrants and the diaspora, of rootlessness and homelessness and unsettling circles of complexities being trapped between different cultures. And therefore, as an avid reader who has delved into numerous novels exploring the themes of rootlessness and diaspora, I approached Jhumpa Lahiri’s Namesake with great expectations. Sadly, this highly acclaimed novel ultimately left me with waves of disappointment. The novel offers a shallow examination of these complex issues that failed to resonate on a deeper level. Characters seldom indulge in something called observable action… they might be sitting for hours and experiencing (that the author renders into monologues or opinions).

Let’s focus on Lahiri’s portrayal of the protagonist in the novel, Gogol Ganguli, as a second-generation Indian American. The character shows initial signs of promise and readers may feel something worthwhile might come out. However, as the narrative progressed, it became apparent that The Namesake barely scratches the surface of the experiences faced by individuals caught between two cultures. The exploration of rootlessness and identity feels hollow and lacks the necessary depth to truly engage readers. The protagonist, who appears on the scene with promise and initial propulsion, falters as the novel moves and leaves readers in a quandary – whether the motionlessness and state of the mind act the protagonist or the individual we just came across. This assertion, I just realised, might be more interesting to deliberate than reading the entire novel, to be honest.

Ironically (and factually, at the same time), the problem with the novel is the character itself. The central character, the protagonist himself, Gogol, the central figure in The Namesake, never evolves beyond a one-dimensional representation of the struggles faced by second-generation immigrants. Gogol seldom rises beyond the levels of self-doubt. Often immersed in internal conflicts, the portrayal of the protagonist makes it difficult to empathize with his journey. Gogol’s conflicted relationship with his name, which symbolises his struggle to reconcile his Indian heritage with his American identity, merely skims the surface of the complex emotions at play. The supporting characters, too, suffer from underdevelopment, failing to add any significant substance to the narrative. The novel, overall, beyond the initial glimmer of promises, lacks an engaging plot. To its credit, nevertheless, it has a compelling and critical plot for those who are accustomed to reading novels with serious concerns, albeit without pace, action and something common for ordinary readers.

Jhumpa Lahiri’s narrative in The Namesake jumps between different periods and characters, creating a disjointed reading experience. As I conceded earlier, it may entice those who have critical pair of eyes to understand this disjointed narrative might well mirror the disorientation experienced by immigrants, it ultimately results in a lack of cohesion and emotional investment in the story. As a reader who reads the novel, rather than those who study it, you might feel disconnected, detached and rather unconcerned with whatever happens in the course of the narrative.

Coming to The Namesake’s exploration of cultural clashes and the search for identity, the novel lacks nuance. If you care to observe closely, the struggles faced by Gogol and his family are reduced to surface-level conflicts, failing to capture the intricate dynamics and tensions that arise within diaspora communities. One can argue, however, that the same might have been offered in the form of inaction and linguistically-rich monologues. No doubt, that might be one side of the coin. However, with overexertion, it might have been blurred! The novel glosses over the rich tapestry of experiences, missing an opportunity to shed light on the complexities of cultural assimilation, alienation, and the negotiation of multiple identities. To conclude this section, one has to agree (only those who read it to the last) Lahiri denies readers the opportunity to truly empathise and connect with the authentic immigrant experience. The Namesake falls short of its potential to be a truly evocative exploration of the immigrant’s journey, leaving readers yearning for a more profound and resonant narrative.

Though it mostly happens that a novel’s richness is reflected in the paragraphs above and a few shortcomings are counted in the end, The Namesake, for me, is a different case. Its significant shortcomings overpower whatever qualities it may promise to readers. Nevertheless, being a critical reader does have an edge over others. You can find out that one mistake or that one redeeming parameter. The Namesake does offer a few redeeming qualities, and Lahiri’s prose is undeniably the best among those few. Elegant and evocative, creating vivid imagery and capturing specific moments with precision, her descriptions of settings and landscapes occasionally breathe life into an otherwise lacklustre narrative. And for those who are concerned about human relations and how it passes from generation to generation, the novel touches upon themes of intergenerational relationships, family dynamics, and the weight of expectations, but unfortunately fails to explore these themes with the depth they deserve.


In conclusion, Jhumpa Lahiri’s Namesake falls short of its potential as a compelling exploration of rootlessness and diaspora. Its shallow depiction of these complex issues, coupled with underdeveloped characters and a disjointed structure, ultimately renders the novel unsatisfying. While Lahiri’s writing style shines at times and certain themes briefly captivate readers, these fleeting positives cannot salvage an otherwise disappointing and superficial portrayal of the immigrant experience. The 2003 novel begins with expectations of rich exploration and ends with disappointment. Better than this full-fledged work of fiction, you may enjoy reading Lahiri’s collections of short stories. However, if you have to study the novel, there is much more about it than a review may portray. You need to read The Namesake, in that case. You can get a copy of this novel from Amazon India by clicking the link below.

Buy the novel – click here to go to Amazon India


Review by Ashish for ReadByCritics

The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri – book review
  • ReadByCritics Critical Rating


The novel fails to capture what it promises to do. The conflicts remain internal, as they should have been, but do not enhance themselves to the levels that can offer readers an engaging storyline. A critical success that may not attract readers beyond research-oriented libraries, with flashes of shiny exhibitions of linguistic skills, Lahiri’s The Namesake is all about its name!

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